Odion Ikyo
Social WorkerNulla totam rem metus nunc hendrerit ex voluptatum deleniti laboris, assumenda suspendisse, maecenas malesuada morbi a voluptate massa! Hendrerit, egestas.
Nulla totam rem metus nunc hendrerit ex voluptatum deleniti laboris, assumenda suspendisse, maecenas malesuada morbi a voluptate massa! Hendrerit, egestas.
Monitoring Data for Social Impact-MODSI is a platform for collecting and analyzing data, to best contribute to interventions by all stakeholders on maternal and reproductive health issues in Nigeria
Our project Digital Solutions to Check Maternal Outcomes (DISC-MO) ams at pulling the curtain on the inequities that exists within maternal healthcare. In particular, the inequities that women from low income communities and IDP birthing people face. In primary health care settings, the lack of digitization of health care makes it difficult to collect bio data, keep records, gather feedback from pregnant women and ensure that those served are at the center of the health solutions they receive. We are solving these challenges by digitalizing the manual records system of primary healthcare centers.
How? Partnering with mobicare to provide an application that;
1. Digitalize the current records for maternal and child healthcare in primary healthcare settings
2. Chat and text based navigation services to women
3. Remote patient monitoring
4. Maternal risk management and education
Objective of DISC-MO project
. To collect correct, quality data for filing, processing and analyzing at all levels of intervention and reporting
. To minimize the loss, omission, errors and duplication that comes with manually collecting, updating and storing data
. To make records easily accessible for referrals and interventions
. To give pregnant women updates, information and reminders about healthy lifestyle, medications and appointment schedules.
To enable the record department submit accurate information and database to the District Health Information System (DHIS) for the government, donors and relevant stakeholders to make informed decisions
Our Approach
• Identify and select health facilities
• Define the core problems to solve
• Clearly define goals, establish benchmarks and access which solution best
meets those needs
• Ensure the solution fit in current workflows and is easy to learn, train and
• Co designing the solution with stakeholders
• Ensure accessibility and acknowledge cultural preferences for easy user adoption
1. Get key stakeholder (primary healthcare board) buy in
2. Identify and map PHC’s to pilot
3. Digitalize manual record processes for maternal and child care
4. Identify key performance indicator to organization’s impact
5. Establish support groups and continuous M&E practices
Midwives and healthcare workers will be trained on how to;
1. Capture pregnant women’s bio data and health history using mobile phones/tabs with the app we have created.
2. Have records of when women are giving birth
3. Prompt midwives, birth attendants or health workers with informative messages and remind them to update the patient’s records on health etc using mobile phone for tracking and more monitoring
4. Remind pregnant women to come for antenatal care at health facilities via SMS.
5. Advise and refer pregnant women on which facility to go to when complications arise. When presented at health facility, the patient’s record could be forwarded in advance to prepare the medicine/ personnel necessary based on the data collected previously
6.Have early diagnosis of possible hypertensive disorders (to take measures against this and prevent eclampsia and obstetric haemorrhage).